A Quick Bloggy Prayer

Dear Lord,
I’m nervous about stepping out like this. Unfortunately we live in a fallen world where we care so much about what others think. Will you bless this bloggy venture? Will you allow it to glorify you? I’m eager to make more contacts who I can hopefully inspire. Like today, I hope that I inspired a dear friend. She was having a hard time and needed a friend. I was able to offer a little insight and share your love. Will you allow me to have more opportunities like this? Lord, forgive me for not posting more about you on my blog. Those should be my #1 priority posts. Instead, I worry about what will get my blog the most hits and what will bring more followers my way. I have good intentions, Lord, you know my heart. Yet, I am still a filthy sinner.

Lord I pray that this new idea will flourish. I pray that it will encourage and lift me up so that I can do the same for others. I want to spread your love. Spread your joy & peace is my longing. Lord as I prepare for revival, will you revive my desires & intentions with this blog? I have an amazing opportunity to reach people (even if others don’t see that), and I want to use it for your glory.

Lord you are my sole purpose for existence. Let everything I do… even in bloggy world… bring you glory, honor, and praise. Amen


Lacey said...


Unknown said...


amy and jesse hudson said...

You said what I have also been thinking for months. Thank you for sharing your heart here, and I know that God loves this kind of prayer! You do a great job! Keep up your great work!

Anonymous said...

Amen, Megan!
I pray you will continue to be a witness and a blessing to all who read your blog. You have been an enouagement to me as I read what you post. xoxox Mama Lisa

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