A Corporate Movement

Tonight RJ and I had a chance to sit in on the weekly prayer night at church.
We didn't know who all went, and we honestly didn't know if they were meeting tonight. After our pastor's message on Sunday about the importance of corporate prayer, RJ informed me that we would be going to the church on Thursday to pray. I loved this idea! We pulled up to a practically empty parking lot, and found a locked door. We knocked, and our preacher finally heard us to let us in. We didn't know where they met, but found the room where the prayer meeting was held every week. They had already started, but we snuck in the room and sat down. We joined three adult ladies. 
They had been so diligent in their calling to pray for our church that they did not get discouraged by the underwhelming response from their church family. Three precious prayer warriors have gathered every week for year(s?). Note: this event has been in the church  bulletin pretty much every week.

We carried on with them expressing the things we wanted to pray for. Of course RJ and I expressed our concerns for the young people of our church, the youth group. We love them and really feel called to serve this age group. We asked that they pray for salvation, revival, and unity within the group. I was humbled as I sat there while the first lady, Ms. Debbie Taylor, prayed. With such sweet words and a broken heart, she laid her concerns before her heavenly father.Not only was I humbled, but I began to weep with her. Her concerns became my concerns; I prayed silently to Jesus as she prayed aloud. Next was Mrs. Pam Veazey, a lady who I've known since I was in Kindergarten. I've always known she was a prayer warrior, and have always loved her prayers. She uttered a sweet prayer for children who have lost family members amongst many other prayers. As she continued to pray, I began to get intimidated, "I can't pray that long! I'll forget or get distracted or something." I was reminded by the spirit almost immediately to just utter the words that were on my heart. My turn. I began to pour out my heart. I told the Lord how I longed for the youth to grow closer to Him. I prayed for revival in our church and for the mentally, spiritually, and physically sick. I prayed for the lost people.... I just kept going and going. I don't even remember some of the things I said. As I prayed, I heard weeping across the room. Mrs. Pam next to me was whispering things like "Yes, Lord," and, "Amen!" I was encouraged by her whispers. I got so caught up in the prayer. I got sucked in by the spirit of the room. I closed by mentioning my forgetful and distracted mind, but now that I think about it - that was the Spirit. The Spirit was muttering my prayers for me. I didn't even have to think about what to say. The Lord knew what was on my heart. It was a really cool experience. 

RJ's turn was next. I love his prayers. They comfort me, for I hear them every night before I fall asleep. He, too, expressed his concerns for our young people. Mrs. Lindon Clifton, an older lady, was next. I loved her prayer too. It was very genuine and "elderly," Then our pastor closed us out with an amazing prayer. 

I'm so excited about PRAYER! I'm so excited to be praying so much! Throughout my day I'm in a constant state of prayer. Before just about a week ago, I'd pray in the morning, I'd pray at night, I'd pray when I thought of something... But now, I'm constantly talking to God. RJ and I pray together before we go to bed, and I utter a prayer for his day as he gets ready. I prayed in front of the youth group last night specifically for revival. I have recruited more people to pray with me next week during worship. 

I'm not saying any of this to uplift myself. All the glory goes to God. He sent a wonderful message through our pastor, which has motivated me to initiate corporate prayer in my life more and more. Matthew 18:20 says where two are gathered in my name, there I am also. Jesus prayed often corporately with his disciples. Very powerful things have resulted from corporate prayer. The disciples gathered together with others to pray for the replacement of Judas, and they were also gathered together praying on the day of Pentecost. Another example occurs in Acts 2...

42 They devoted themselves to the apostles’ 
teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread 
and to prayer. 43Everyone was filled with 
awe at the many wonders and signs performed by
 the apostles. 44 All the believers were together and 
had everything in common. 45 They sold property
 and possessions to give to anyone who had need.
 46Every day they continued to meet together in 
the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes
 and ate together with glad and sincere hearts,
 47 praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people.
And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.

Did you catch that last part? And the Lord added to their number those who were saved. If we want to see the lost get saved, according to this verse, what should we do? 

Gather together and 
pray for them.

It's that simple folks. Let us gather together and pray. Pray for the lost. Pray for revival. Pray for brokeness. Who's with me?


Anonymous said...

WOW! I stand amazed and ashamed that I have not joined in this. I really did not know anyone was still doing Thursday night prayer. Morgan and I went a few times a LONG time ago and it fizzled out....Thank you for sharing this and pouring out your heart. I am so proud of you and RJ. Just a little footnote....my word verification to post this comment was inniv.....kinda short for invite to me.....Interpret that how you wish but I feel invited to join something amazing!

Allie said...

That's AWESOME!!! You are an amazing woman!! So glad you shared!

Anonymous said...

What an encouraging, uplifting post. Thanks for sharing experiences like this on your blog. I needed this. :)

Sandie said...

Love you!

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