I love linky parties.
I wanted to host one, but I was unsure what about.
It seemed that all the good ideas were taken.
Upon thinkin what is most important to me, my mind and heart steered towards
Then He gave me a great idea.
What about a Faith link up??
We are all discovering new friends each day.
We are all discovering new friends each day.
I love to hear about my new friends testimonies.
I’m going to share mine!
Upon finding new bloggy BFFs and uncovering their different beliefs,
I have decided to point it out loud and clear what I believe.
Some of these are things that I’ve learned along the way, and some of these I’ve been taught from the Bible since I was a babe.
I associate myself with the Southern Baptist Convention, but am not defined by their beliefs/traditions/rituals.
I was saved from hell at the age of 13 on December 12, 2001 .
I was baptised the following Sunday, December 16, and the old me stayed in that water.
Now, you see I was not a drug dealer or a prostitute, but I was saved from a potential “bad” me. Some of the things I faced as a born-again Christian tested me and caused me to sin. Praise the Lord for His grace!!
I would not have been able to make it without my faith in Jesus.
Some of my fundamental belief as a Baptist
1. Jesus is the only way to heaven. You must believe in him and give your heart to Him in order to receive salvation. Though a life of works is not "required" it is a result of your relationship with Him.
1. Jesus is the only way to heaven. You must believe in him and give your heart to Him in order to receive salvation. Though a life of works is not "required" it is a result of your relationship with Him.
14 What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them
18 But someone will say, “You have faith; I have deeds.”
Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds. 19You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that—and shudder.
James Chapter Four, NKJV
James Chapter Four, NKJV
2. I believe that once saved we are to follow in the Lord's example and be baptized. This is an outward profession of an inward decision. It does not equate salvation, it simply symbolizes it.
3. Love is the answer. God is love, and we are to love others... even our enemies, the gays, the suicidal, the backslidden... everyone.
4. Once saved always saved. There is nothing a man can do to lose his salvation. To die to self and dedicate to Christ over and over would require multiple crucifixions. He died once, we die once. Now, we can {and i have} had periods of rededication and repentance. Truth is, our God loves us just the same.
5. Everything that is good comes from above.
6. Everything that is good to us isn't always good to him, and vise versa. His ways are not our ways, and his thoughts are not our thoughts.
3. Love is the answer. God is love, and we are to love others... even our enemies, the gays, the suicidal, the backslidden... everyone.
4. Once saved always saved. There is nothing a man can do to lose his salvation. To die to self and dedicate to Christ over and over would require multiple crucifixions. He died once, we die once. Now, we can {and i have} had periods of rededication and repentance. Truth is, our God loves us just the same.
5. Everything that is good comes from above.
6. Everything that is good to us isn't always good to him, and vise versa. His ways are not our ways, and his thoughts are not our thoughts.
7. I believe in the trinity {God the Father, God the Son, and The Holy Spirit}
8. I believe that the Holy Spirit resides in our hearts upon giving our hearts to Him. It speaks to us by means of scripture, thoughts, other people, billboards, you name it!!!!
The Lord has taken me through many trials and temptations.
My family was tested.
My faith has been tested.
I went unemployed for a good period of time.
My career plans shifted.
My dreams shifted.
The people in my live have changed completely.
I’ve been beat down.
I’ve been abused. In all senses of the word.
Guess what?
I’m so grateful for every trial and every temptation that I fell into. It is what has made me who I am today. It has made me stronger. I praise the Lord for every “negative” in my life, for it is a blessing to be tested.
I’m so grateful for every trial and every temptation that I fell into. It is what has made me who I am today. It has made me stronger. I praise the Lord for every “negative” in my life, for it is a blessing to be tested.
I believe in the underdogs.
I believe that love heals all wounds.
I believe that all men are not pigs.
I believe that men should be the leaders of our homes, churches, and nation.
I believe that abortion is morbid and cruel.
I believe in the green movement.
Love the creator, protect the creation.
I believe that God is in control of everything. Even making babies.
I believe that a marriage founded on Christian principles is a fun and healthy one.
I believe that the Bible is the complete word of God.
I believe that the Bible is the complete word of God.
18 I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to that person the plagues described in this scroll. 19 And if anyone takes words away from this scroll of prophecy, God will take away from that person any share in the tree of life and in the Holy City, which are described in this scroll.
Revelation Chapter 22
I believe that we shy away from the topic of sex too much, and use it as a scare tactic instead of a principle.
I believe in freedom.
I believe in beaches.
I’ve learned that people will let you down. Always. But God is always there.
I’ve learned to pray for my husband when he acts unlovingly, for he is simply being tested and tried by Satan
{I love my husband, but truth is, life isn’t peaches all the time}
{I love my husband, but truth is, life isn’t peaches all the time}
I believe that we should dedicate time and love to disciple our teenagers.
I’ve experienced the bond of praying aloud with a group and feel that corporate prayer is underestimated.
I believe in Jesus, the son of God.
Here are the rules:
1. Be true to yourself.
2. Any religion/fath/belief is accepted.
3. Please, pretty please, put the “I believe” button in your post.
4. Look around, and network with people who share the same beliefs as you.
5. Feel free to ask any questions about my faith.
6. Send me ways I can be in prayer for you
{optional, but I’d love to pray for you!!}

LOVE THIS! I'm going to work on my post today :)
I couldn't get the button to work, but I believe that is just me.. So I am going to try and restart my computer and see what I can do.
Are you going to do this again? I am so busy on thursdays...I want to link up but don't have the time to write another post...I hope you do it again :)
It doesn't close until next wednesday!! But i'm sure I will be doing it again!!!
I will def. participate! Later today when I get a chance, I'll be back. What a great idea!
Great idea Megan! I LOVE that you shared your faith and put it out there giving others a chance to share too! :)
I love this!!! I don't have anything faith based this week. Although I have had several posts in the past and , I am sure that there are many more to come. I will make sure to do something great next week possibly.
Megan, this post is so awesome. Your love for God and conviction of the truth is so evident here. Thank you much for putting this out there for all to see :). I agreed with every word!
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