Guest Post: Confessions of a Not-So-Newlywed!

This weeks schedule kind of got off kilter. 
So much for having a schedule, eh?
Well I'm proud to have my "sister friend" over for a guest post!

A little history...
Tara and I were friends in high school.. Like drive all the way to Birmingham to stalk this really cute guy we met at church camp and not even get to see him kind of friends. Friends that openly talked about our poops in front of each other kind of friends. Friends that played nakey jokes on other people kind of friends. Yah, you get the point. We were close.
Our names even rhymed
Tara Lynn
Megan Wynn 
Then we went to different colleges, and college did what college does, and it makes high school friends become somewhat distant.

Now... I'm married to her BROTHER, and we can actually call ourselves sisters.
Crazy, huh? I love life!

Take it away, Arat.
You thought I forgot that one, eh?  

Hey ya'll! I am Tara from Living in Taradise and I am so excited about being able to guest post here for my sweet sis-in-law! Let me introduce myself,

This is me and my hubby Matthew
Who am I? Wife, puppy-mom, lover of ice cream, mail (the real kind)and most importantly, Jesus. Hopefully I will be adding Mommy to that list sometime this year through a Taiwanese adoption!

When I started thinking about what to post about I looked through Megan's past guest posters and noticed one thing in are all super talented. woops. Sorry Megan. Me, not so talented BUT I do have one thing going for me that you might care about, I am married. Not a newlywed, but I am married! We will celebrate 3 years in August and I just have to say I love my husband more now than I ever did as a newlywed! Even though I am not a newlywed, most of the time when I see a Confessions of a Newlywed post on this blog I look through it going whoa, glad to know I am not the only weird wifey around these parts!

Let' see, what all has Megan confessed to? Loving her husband's (and my brother's) feet and his loofah, being a slacker, breaking her garbage disposal, crying when her hubby leaves, and a whole list of other little marriage quirks

What do I have to confess to you today?

I need time.

lots of it! Time with my hubby. It's been almost three years and while that it not a long time by any stretch of the imagination, it's been awhile. Long enough to get comfortable with each other. Long enough that (hopefully) all of our ugly stuff has made it out into the open. Long enough to have a few crazy pitch-a-fit, scream and slam the door fests!

With that said, I still crave time with him. Life has been crazy the past couple of weeks with; our adoption (we have gotten a referral for a 3 month old little girl in Taiwan, yay!), the hubby applying to become a cop and all of the testing that goes with that, family vacations, a death in the family, kitchen renovations and more!

It is important to us to carve out serious chunks of time for just the two of us. That means no T.V., no plans. Just talking and snuggling. Getting priorities set for the week ahead. Talking about how we feel about things, about situations, about the Bible, about life. He is my best friend and I need time with him!

How do you get time with your spouse? Is it even a priority for you as a couple anymore? For all you moms, how do you balance kid time and hubby time because I am about to jump headfirst into mommy world and I am not sure how to balance that! HELP!


Amanda said...

Tara- I am so glad that I have "met" you through Megan! My hubby and I have been married 9 years this July.
Here's what works for us, bc I am very jealous of my time with hubby. We have date nights (not as consistant as we want, but workin on it) and consistant bed times for the kiddos (5 and 1), So even though we don't get to "go out" we still have a few hours together each night.

And congrats on your adoption, I will be emailing you soon about your message (sorry).

Anonymous said...

You two seem like an adorable two-some. :0)I don't get much time with my hubby of 8 years, as we have three little ones who keep us busy ALWAYS!! We try to go out every once in awhile for some music or dinner.

Keri said...

Adoption has my heart!! Congratulations!! Taiwan - my boyfriend's family were missionaries there for 11 years... They love that place! Congratulations and may God shower his many blessings on your adoption throughout the process!!

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