If only this is where we could be this weekend.
Fenway Park, that is. In Boston.
Hubby and I will gladly choose to see our
beloved team here this weekend, though.
We will be in St. Petersburg, Florida at
Tropicana Field to watch the
Red Sox play the Rays.
This is the first time Husband and I
have seen the Red Sox play in person.
Of course we watch them on TV and
get the updates on cell phones... We even
hang signs like this in our apartment:
It is our dream to travel WAAAAAAY north
and see the 'Sox play at home.
And we will, one day!!
We are simply smitten to be travelling
this weekend to go see our team.
Even better? I got our hotel room for
$47.00 a night via Orbtiz.

I'd say that's totally awesome....
Especially since we'll not be hanging out
there. We'll be out and about!!
This is our July edition of
"A Year of Adventure."
We made a New Year's resolution to go on
an adventure at least once a month
every month this year.
Whether it be a new restaurant,
a new city, or a new activity... We had
to try something new.
So far we've succeeding in doing this every
month, and i've only failed to blog about one... May.
Catch up on our Year of Adventure:
March: A shopping adventure
April: Marriage "Retreat"
May: Ooops....I did have a guest post while I was gone, though.
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